MB Teens and Adults Class #16

Practise your patterns. If you have the pattern workout book, read through your own pattern carefully, and work through the movements with the book.      

MB Teens and Adults Class #15

Work through your fundamental movements as spot technique. Self-analyse – stance, trajectory, purpose, power – and try to improve. Do each movement 20-30 times, before moving to a new movement. Don’t rush.      

MB Teens and Adults Class #14

Warm up, body weight workout, fundamental movements from gup patterns, free sparring drills, basics for the brain and heart, warm down and stretch, self-defence stage 1 avoid (discussion)..      

MB Teens and Adults Class #13

Zoom class for teens and adults. Start with a few fundamental movements, then use them in 3-step and 2-step sparring, followed by some free sparring drills and stretching.      

MB Teens and Adults Class #12

We aimed to have a good workout today. We did some leg work, with sitting stance fundamental movements, and burnie burnie. Then a simplified version of four direction punch and four direction block. After that, some two-step sparring alone, and a warm down.

MB Teens and Adults Class #10

Side kicks! Warm up, side kick strength, patterns sequences with side kicks, sparring drills with side kicks – lots of side kicks!