General Online Classes Library
Videos and Articles to help with your General TKD Training

Low, Middle, High Punch
A lesson on Low, Middle, and High Punches Video kindly provided by TMAANZ

White Belt Stances and Body Position
A lesson on Whitebelt Stances and Body Position Video kindly provided by TMAANZ

Walking Stance Inner Forearm Block
A lesson on Walking Stance Inner Forearm Blocks Video kindly provided by TMAANZ

BD Natural Motion Techniques
There are a number of techniques whose purpose isn’t to strike the opponent’s body or limbs. These are done in a softer way, not

BD Fast Motion Punches
Fast motion punching is performed with a truncated sinewave. Here I compare walking stance punches in normal and fast motions. In fast motion only

BD Efficient Patterns Practise #3
There are large groups of techniques in patterns that are very similar to one another. It makes sense to practice them together, as the

BD Efficient Patterns Practise #2
There are large groups of techniques in patterns that are very similar to one another. It makes sense to practice them together, as the

BD Efficient Patterns Practise #1
There are large groups of techniques in patterns that are very similar to one another. It makes sense to practice them together, as the

BD Rising Block Method
Here’s a rising block method I learned from Master Breen. Using some elbow action increases the speed of the block and reduces the stiffness

BD Upset punch / dwijibo jirugi
Dwijibo jirugi / upset punch is performed in a side-circling motion, and strikes with the fist slightly above the elbow – the biceps muscle

BD Rising Block Method
Here’s a rising block method I learned from Master Breen. Using some elbow action increases the speed of the block and reduces the stiffness

General Class Seniors test
In this section we practise the basic kicks to blue stripe (inclusive), emphasising the direction to which each kick was designed to be used.

General Class BBs test
In this section we practise the basic kicks to blue stripe (inclusive), emphasising the direction to which each kick was designed to be used.

MB Teens and Adults Class #21
A step-by-step walk through pattern Dan-Gun. Yellow belts and above, practise Dan-Gun, and then do each of your patterns once or twice.

MB Teens and Adults Class #20
In this section, we work through Chon-Ji. Complete the pattern four or five times, focusing on something different each time (stances, sine wave, intermediate

MB Teens and Adults Class #18
We now have the basic movements required to learn four-direction punch, or saju jirugi.

MB Teens and Adults Class #16
Practise your patterns. If you have the pattern workout book, read through your own pattern carefully, and work through the movements with the book.

MB Teens and Adults Class #15
Work through your fundamental movements as spot technique. Self-analyse – stance, trajectory, purpose, power – and try to improve. Do each movement 20-30 times,

MB Teens and Adults Class #14
Warm up, body weight workout, fundamental movements from gup patterns, free sparring drills, basics for the brain and heart, warm down and stretch, self-defence

MB Teens and Adults Class #13
Zoom class for teens and adults. Start with a few fundamental movements, then use them in 3-step and 2-step sparring, followed by some free

MB Teens and Adults Class #12
We aimed to have a good workout today. We did some leg work, with sitting stance fundamental movements, and burnie burnie. Then a simplified

MB Teens and Adults Class #11
Warm up, basic kicks, 90 second rounds of kicks, then stances and hands, patterns, stretching.

MB Teens and Adults Class #10
Side kicks! Warm up, side kick strength, patterns sequences with side kicks, sparring drills with side kicks – lots of side kicks!

MB Teens and Adults Class #9
Warm up, basic kicks, free sparring drills, pattern extracts, patterns, warm down and stretch. Homework – study the Training Secret of Taekwon-Do.

MB Teens and Adults Class #8
Warm up, basic kicks, 3-step, 2-step, 1-step, patterns, warm down and stretch.

MB Teens and Adults Class #7
Class for senior grades, teens and adults via Zoom. Practised crossing, warm up, leg strength, basic kicks, patterns, kicking drills.

MB Teens and Adults Class #6
Zoom class for senior grades, teens and adults Core and leg workout, basic movements, patterns, sparring drills with the Bavins, stretch.

MB Teens and Adults Class #5
Zoom for senior students Warm up, fundamental movements, kicking, power in patterns, patterns, step-sparring, warm down and stretch.

MB Teens and Adults Class #4
Zoom class for senior grades, adults and teens. Warm up, 3-step sparring (yellow stripe through green stripe syllabuses), saju jirugi, saju makgi, Chon-Ji, Dan-Gun,

MB Teens and Adults Class #3
Warm up and fitness, patterns (and patterns in a box), free sparring drills.

MB Kids Class #40
Let’s have fun with some kicks. Training aid – one old cushion. You can use a rolled up piece of paper or newspaper instead,

MB Kids Class #39
Practise four direction punch and four direction kick. Training aid: one coin.

MB Kids Class #38
In this video, we have two lines on the floor to practise L-stances. Spend five minutes or so on L-stance, inner forearm middle block,

MB Kids Class #37
This video is about practising the walking stance. We use two lines of tape or something similar on the floor, your child’s should width

MB Kids Class #36
Here are a few basic warm up exercises that you can do in a small space. Watch the video, and then spend 5-10 minutes

MB Kids Class #35
In this video, we bow to Mum or Dad who is helping us, and practise the tenets and student oath.

MB Kids Class #34
At the end of each class, work through your home task with Mum or Dad. Ensure you are also completing your page of exercises.

MB Kids Class #33
Time to warm down with some gentle stretching. Don’t over stretch. As much as anything else, this is about calming down and getting back

MB Kids Class #32
In this section, we work on the basic skills required to perform saju makgi (four direction block).

MB Kids Class #31
This exercise breaks four direction punch (saju jirugi) down into basic skills.

MB Kids Class #30
We work on some basic drills with a warm up – using punches and turning kicks, and Mum or Dad’s hands for targets.

MB Kids Class #29
We warm up with some joint rotations, and some gentle dynamic kicks (front rising kicks, and vertical kick exercises)

MB Kids Class #28
We practice basic footwork, moving forwards, backwards, sideways; and some basic punching drills.

MB Kids Class #27
We probably don’t have pads at home, but we probably have cushions! Work with Mum or Dad on your basic kicks. We do front

MB Kids Class #26
Children can now work on the patterns they know. Perform each pattern 2-5 times, depending upon how many they know. (Including the fundamental movements

MB Kids Class #25
Children’s class, warm up using fundamental movements from four direction punch, four direction block, and patterns Chon-Ji and Dan-Gun.

MB Kids Class #24
Time to do a light stretch and work on our mini-kids handbook – particularly our home tasks (something Mum and Dad want us to

MB Kids Class #23
Let’s spend 10 minutes on patterns. White belt and yellow stripes practise four direction punch (and four direction block and Chon-Ji, if you know

MB Kids Class #22
We’ll need Mum or Dad and a cushion for this. First we demonstrate the basic movements for Mum or Dad (punches, front snap kick,

MB Kids Class #21
We’ll spend 10 minutes working on L-stance guarding blocks (forearm and knifehand). The video also shows parents things to find to correct. There is

MB Kids Class #20
Now we’ll do a sequence of exercises to work on balance for children. The sequence gets progressively harder, so young children should spend more

MB Kids Class #19
In this warm up, we ask for help from a sibling or parent and do the exercises together. We will work on core, using

MB Kids Class #17
We practice basic footwork, moving forwards, backwards, sideways; and some basic punching drills.

MB Kids Class #16
This video is designed to be played on a TV or big screen with your child training along. You will need a napkin or

MB Kids Class #15
This video is designed to be played on a big screen, with your child training along as they watch. You will need a chair

MB Kids Class #14
This video is designed to be played on a big screen, with your child training along as they watch. This video works on the

MB Kids Class #13
This video is designed to be played on your TV, with your child training along as they watch This video is the warm up.

MB Kids Class #12
Zoom class, we practised some basics from saju jirugi, did some very cool kicks, some 3-step sparring, and practised “back off”. We also looked

MB Kids Class #11
Zoom class for our children. Warm up, fundamental movements, patterns, 3-step sparring alone, helping parents.

MB Kids Class #10
Warm up, free sparring footwork, free sparring drills, patterns, 3-step sparring, stretching, syllabus books

MB Kids Class #9
Warm up, kick strength, fundamental movements with hands, saju jirugi, patterns, 3-step sparring, stretching.

MB Kids Class #7
Warm up, kicks, patterns, 3-step sparring, free sparring drills, stretching and syllabus book.

MB Kids Class #6
Warm up, fundamental movements for yellow belt, patterns, kicking drills, three-step sparring, releasing techniques and passive stance, stretch.

MB Kids Class #5
Crossing, saju jirugi, saju makgi, patterns, side piercing kick, kicks, stretch and syllabus book.

MB Kids Class #4
Warm up tag, twin forearm block, Won-Hyo, patterns, kicking, free sparring drills, stretch.

MB Kids Class #3
Warm up, basic movements, saju jirugi, saju makgi, 3-step sparring alone, 2-step (briefly), patterns, self-defence, sparring punches, warm down.

MB Kids Class #2
Warm up, sitting without hands, saju jirugi and saju makgi, Chon-Ji, kicking drills, shadow sparring, 3-step sparring, warm down and stretch

MB Kids Class #1
Warm up, sitting and standing without hands, fast motion punches, outer forearm blocks, turning and side kicks, patterns, free sparring shifting, kicks, warm down
Have a suggestion?
Let us know your recommendation for a video or other resource we can use on this website